week of october 21st

Three things to be aware of:

1) Our SAT tutoring informational meeting is next wednesday at 1 pm in the campus center, room 3115. Let me know if you have any questions about this, but i did send out an email earlier in the week with more details.

2) Sojourn’s city wide event: Read Retreat Serve is coming up October 30th.  This is a great opportunity to learn more about what Sojourn does, get off campus for a day, unplug from the busyness of the semester, and meet college students from other campuses.  Email Steve for more info or check out our facebook event page here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=124725184249865&ref=ts

3) Here’s our quote and thought for the week: “The same elements that make a movie meaningful are the ones that make a life meaningful. I knew a character had to face his greatest fears. That’s the stuff of a good story. I also knew that most of our fears are relational. It’s all that stuff about forgiveness and risking rejection and learning to love. We think stories are about getting money and security, but the truth is, it all comes down to relationships.” Are there challenging relationships in your life right now and how does facing our fears (in any area, but especially relationships) help move our story forward?

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